We asked 2,700+ students about their future concerns and expectations.
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Effortlessly post job opportunities for 23 Greek Universities by utilizing the user-friendly employer portal, requiring just a few clicks to reach a wide pool of potential candidates.

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Find thousands of students actively looking for internships and full-time jobs. Use the filters to explore students from different backgrounds, skills and interests. Download their resume and unlock their contact details to create your talent pool in no time.

Attract more Talent with Personalised Invitations

Don't just wait for students to apply; take the first step. Find the right candidates for your open roles using Talent Radar and send personalized invitations directly through UniStudents. Create deeper connections with your audience and stand out from the competition.

Enhance your Employer Brand on Greece’s Leading University Platform

Employer Page is a dedicated space for your organization, designed to effectively communicate your values, culture and open roles. Create your own Employer Page now and expand your presence to over 170,000 university students across Greece.

Attract the right talent,
faster, smarter.

#1 university platform for students
35+ large companies hiring on UniStudents
10x increased applications